Friday, 25 November 2011

Happy thanksgiving!

Happy thanksgiving all you Americans! I don't celebrate this holiday (Canadian, remember?) but most of you do, so let's all be grateful for, well, EVERYTHING! And for you guys, that hole aberigionAl thingy! :)! Also, I forgot to wish u all a happy remembrance day (veterans day 4 Americans) and I hope we shall not forger those who fought for us wether it's in japan (yes, it happened :() or afganistan, CURRENTLY. They kinda remind me of the Winx girls, strong, courageous, pure, true warriors who fought for magix, FANFIC!!!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


Theres a new winx game on, and its winx dress me up. Really roccomend and aperently so does nick, becuase, IT WAS NOMINATED FOR BEST VIDEO GAME OF THE YEAR! YAY! Its probably for the kids choice awards. How awesome is that? I don't know how to vote, but i'm gonna ASAP!

Heres the link!

And theres another preview, Vatlors Plan: Stella Gone Green!

Monday, 14 November 2011

ITs here!

Well, today at 3 is the big unhealthy of enchantix. Personally, I'm not to excited. It looks kinda boring... But, I'm not stopping you frOm watching it. I still love Winx as much as you.

Saturday, 12 November 2011


Hey everyone! A lot of news has rolled in, and i'm covering ALL of it. sort of.

Well, site wise, we have our first staff! Everyone giva warm welcome to KICA!

Kica is a loyal follower of WL:NAF since the begining, and has been my friend from before the site even opened!

Next in buisness, at the nick site, they brought alfea to us! Winx 101 is a new game that tells you everything you need to know about our favourite fairies! check it out HERE.

I hope you guys all enjoy the series and the season 3 special, heres a preview.


Friday, 11 November 2011


New season 5 Winx transformation is confirmed to be Sirenix.
I really don't like the name, but theres no much I can do about it.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Hallowinx Games!

Hey guys! Starsue is suited up with hallowinx games, and i'm gonna share them with you!

HalloWinx Suit Up
HalloWinx Puzzle

I've played them all, and their awesome!